A Quick Guide To CSS3 - 2D and 3D Transformation

CSS3 2D and 3D Transformation

This is one of the most awaiting implementation in terms of creating interactive and real world web pages. CSS has introduced some properties through which we can changes the shape, size and position of the CSS3 elements.
Property Value options
perspective none | number
backface-visibility visible | hidden
transform none | matrix | matrix3d | translate3d | translateX | scale3d |
scaleY | rotate | rotateZ | skew | perspective and so on
perspective-origin x-axis y-axis|initial|inherit;
x-axis - % | left | center | right
y-axis - % | left | center | right
transform-style flat | preserve-3d
transform-origin x-axis y-axis z-axis|initial|inherit;
x-axis - left | center | right | length | %
y-axis - left | center | right | length | %
z-axis - left | center | right | length | %

Example : 2D Transformation
div {
 transform: translate(70px, 110px);

Example : 3D Transformation
div {
    transform: rotateX(150deg);

Browser Support for 2D Transformation

Browser Support for 3D Transformation