CSS is an acronym for Cascading Style Sheet.
Cascading - Declare once use anywhere. Cascade the styling rules to any level, from parent to child level elements.
Style Sheet - Defines style rules.
CSS3 is the extended version of CSS2. CSS3 has arrived with so many new features and enhancements can make any webpage a gem with fewer efforts.
We will cover here CSS selector syntax, properties, browser support, and useful information about its all controls. Its a quick guide so we will cover a more crisp cheat sheet kind of guide rather than the detailed one. To know more about CSS from basic please follow the link -
CSS3 Word Wrap
Word Wrap is a property of CSS3 that is used to break the words and wrap into next line.Syntax
Word-wrap : normal | break-word | initial | inherit
Normal - break the line at normal word break points.
Break-word - unbreakable word breaks into a new line.
Initial - used to set a default value.
Inherit - used to take computed value.
p { width: 100px; background: #70ea70; word-wrap: break-word; }
CSS3 Backgrounds
These are used to set the various properties of the background of the webpage.Property | Value options |
background-image | URL | none |
background-attachment | scroll | fixed |
background-image | URL | none |
background-color | color | transparent |
background-size | length | % | auto | cover | contain |
background-position | top right | top left | top center | bottom left | center | center right and so on |
background-repeat | repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat |
#back { width: 300px; height: 200px; background-position: center bottom, left top; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: #90ee90; }
Next : CSS 3 Borders, Fonts and Text